Hôpital Henri Mondor, Paris Est University
51 avenue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny
Créteil 94010 France
Clinical Services
Dr A Créange, MD, PhD, is Professor of Neurology in Paris EST University, and neurologist in Henri Mondor Hospital (Créteil, France). He has a special interest in peripheral neuropathy and neuroimmunology and remains a general neurologist. He has experience as head of the peripheral neuropathy section of the Henri Mondor University Hospital in Créteil, France, and twenty years of dysimmune neuropathies and multiple sclerosis management and treatment in a multidisciplinary neuroimmunological group. He brings particular expertise in pathogenesis and treatment of dysimmune neuropathies. His works gives him an extensive experience in the field of cytokines, proteinases and immunomodulation of neuroinflammation and modification of excitability of the nervous system. Pr. Créange actively participates in a francophone network of peripheral nerve experts in conducting translational investigations and clinical trials for neuropathy. He used the Delphi method to develop a consensus case definition for CIDP. Finally, he is the secretary of the College of the French Neurological Professors.