Alba Coraini, MD

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    Medical Specialty
    Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women Hospital
    15 Parkman Street
    Boston, MA, 01773
    United States
    University Affiliation
    University Title
    Lab Group
    Nerve Unit

    Alba Coraini, MD, is a neurology resident physician at Harvard Medical School and a fellow of the Nerve Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital. She trained at Humanitas University in Milan, Italy. Her areas of clinical and research interest are peripheral neuropathies, in particular, small-fiber neuropathy. In addition, she previously investigated the genetic and molecular basis of neuromuscular diseases, including ALS and motor neuron disorders associated with the MRI "snake eyes" sign. She is a fellow of the American Heart Association and a clinical instructor at Tufts Medical School. 

    Reduction of Skin Innervation Is Associated With a Severe Fibromyalgia Phenotype.
    AL Oaklander, A Coraini
    PracticeUpdate. 2019 November.